Jumat, 10 Februari 2017

Predicion and Anomaly Detecton of Rainfall for Planting Time Based On Evolving Neural Network in Soreang, Bandung

Predicion and Anomaly Detecton of Rainfall for Planting Time
Based On Evolving Neural Network in Soreang, Bandung
Supervisor : Prof.Dr. The Houw Liong
Co-Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya
As an agricultural country and located around the equator line, Indonesia
geographical position between two continents and oceans is very sensitive to
regional and global atmospheric circulations as sunspot, cosmic rays, Indian
Ocean Dipole(IOD) and Southern Oscillation Index(SOI). The disruption of one
circulation can affect climate and weather. Extreme anomaly climate is very
influential in the agriculture field because it can decrease growing area,
production and productivity of food crops. In this research, rainfall
prediction has been conducted using Evolving Neural Network (ENN) and
completed with anomaly detection for finding the best starting time for
planting, so the risk of loss due to rainfall anomalies can be minimized
because farmers can adjust the planting starting time with the change of the
rainfall and the attention to anomalies that occur during the growing seasons.
From three scenarios, one hidden layer in Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
architecture was sufficient and ENN had good performance in different dataset.
Rainfall prediction result used all data (January-December) from 1999-2013 had
the accuracy of 84.6%, 66.02% for dry season (April-September) and 79.7% for
wet season (October-March). Based on prediction and anomaly detection in this
research, in Soreang the first week of January, April and October 2014 we 
recommended for the starting time of planting in 2014.

Keywords: Rainfall, Prediction, Evolving Neural Network, Genetic Algorithm
Artificial Neural Network, Anomaly Detection

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